Overhead Crane Mechanical Grabs vs Hydraulic Grabs: Which Suits Your Needs Best?

Listopad 19, 2024
Mechanical Grabs vs. Hydraulic Grabs

What is the difference between the mechanical grabs and the hydraulic grabs?In terms of material handling, choosing the right grab can significantly affect efficiency and productivity.The two common types of grapple used in cranes are mechanical grapple and hydraulic grapple.Let’s explore their differences and understand when to choose each type.

First of all, let’s take a look at what is a hydraulic grab and a mechanical grab:


Working principle

Overhead Crane Hydraulic Grabs

A set of lifting mechanisms, the hydraulic grab is installed under the hook using a hook, which is easy to disassemble, and the telescopic action of the hydraulic cylinder completes the opening and closing of the bucket.

It has a motor, a hydraulic pumping station, and a control valve, which is driven by an external power supply to open and close.

The hydraulic grabs are connected to the hydraulic circuit on the crane.

The operator can control the lifting, opening and closing, transfer and other actions of the hydraulic grab in the control room.

Zv\u011bt\u0161it obr\u00e1zek: 1 mechanism","alt":"1 mechanism"}" data-wp-interactive="core/image" class="wp-block-image size-full wp-lightbox-container">

Overhead Crane Mechanical Grabs

It needs to be equipped with 2 sets of lifting mechanisms to open and close the mechanical grabs through the reel.

The mechanical grabs relies on mechanical connecting rods, pulleys, and levers for grasping action 

Operated by direct physical force, it consists of two or more hinged arms with sharp or serrated edges, similar to the jaw of a creature, which can tightly clamp the material.

No hydraulic power or electrical connection is required. The operator manually controls the movement of the mechanical grab.

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Overhead Crane Hydraulic Grabs

Domestic waste treatment:

Grab cranes used in waste disposal in domestic waste incineration and power generation projects mainly grab domestic waste.

This is an intelligent product that can realize unattended operations.

Scrap steel and large stones:

In scrap yards and stone processing plants, materials of various shapes and sizes can be precisely controlled and efficiently processed.

Old battery:

It is more suitable for fine operation and accuracy, and reduces the risk of battery damage.

Food processing industry:

Grab pickles, pickles, and wineries for brewing.

Stainless steel is usually used to reduce pollution.

River decontamination:

It is very suitable for fine cleaning tasks, providing precise control to remove debris without disturbing the riverbed too much.

Light industry:

Grasping plastics is very suitable for high-precision processing of plastics, suitable for classification and fine operation.

Zv\u011bt\u0161it obr\u00e1zek","alt":""}" data-wp-interactive="core/image" class="wp-block-image size-full wp-lightbox-container">Application 1

Overhead Crane Mechanical Grabs

Waste treatment and classification:

Mechanical grappling hooks are good at handling bulk materials such as logs, scrap metal, rocks and debris.

Waste management facilities use grabs to sort and transfer recyclables, green waste, and construction waste.

Dismantle and deconstruct:

During the demolition project, the mechanical grab removes the building structure by grabbing and pulling the material.

The removal of concrete, steel beams and other components minimizes the need for labor and shortens the project schedule.

Loading and unloading:

The grab can effectively handle bulk cargo such as coal, grain and aggregates.

Forestry operations:

Efficiently load and unload logs to assist in the logging and transportation of wood.

They keep operators away from fallen trees and heavy logs, thereby improving safety.

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Overhead Crane Hydraulic Grabs

The hydraulic system has many mechanisms, and the maintenance is more cumbersome than the mechanical grabs.

The hydraulic system is more complex and the maintenance cost is higher, and it is prone to air intake and other failures during use.

Overhead Crane Mechanical Grabs

Compared with hydraulic grabs, mechanical grabs are simple to maintain and durable. Mechanical grabs are usually just a matter of wire rope wear. At that time, only the wire rope needs to be replaced.

The hydraulic grabs of the crane is controlled by a hydraulic system, which has the advantages of high precision and flexible operation. It is suitable for loading and unloading bulk cargo and occasions that require fine operation, but its structure is complex and the maintenance cost is high. The mechanical grabs relies on wire rope control, which is suitable for handling large pieces of materials and heavy-duty operations in harsh environments. The structure is relatively simple and the maintenance cost is low. When choosing, the type of grab to use should be determined according to the operation requirements, accuracy requirements, and operating environment.

Jak vybrat ten správný drapák

Ujasněte si svůj účel:before delving into the options, please clarify your specific requirements.Ask yourself:

  • S jakými materiály chcete pracovat? (Kulatina, kovový šrot, kámen atd.)
  • Jaké úkoly bude drapák plnit? (Nakládání, třídění, demontáž atd.)
  • K jakému typu zařízení bude připojen? (Portálový jeřáb, mostový jeřáb)
  • Jaká je specifická hmotnost materiálu, který uchopíte? Počet kostek drapáku?
  • Podle vlastností uchopovaného materiálu se drapák obvykle dělí na čtyři základní typy: lehký, střední, těžký a supertěžký.
Typ materiálu, který se má uchopitUchopte materiálNosná hmotnost (t/m³)
SvětloKoks, struska, obilí, brambory, středně kvalitní antracitové vápno, cement, zemina, štěrk, hlína, lámané cihly atd.0.5~1.2
StředníRašelina, velké kusy antracitového uhlí, hutněné uhlí, jíl, vápenec, štěrk, sůl, štěrk, cihly, bauxit, vločky oxidu železa, cement, písek a cihly ve vodě atd.1.2~2.0
TěžkýVápenec, těžká hlína, malé a středně velké rudy, tvrdá hornina, tyčovitý oxid železa, železná ruda, prášek koncentrátu olova atd.2.0~2.6
NadváhaVelké rudy, velká manganová ruda, sedimentární aglomerovaný prášek olověné rudy atd.2.6~3.3
  • Jaká je nosnost vašeho jeřábu vybaveného drapákem?

Kompatibilita příslušenství: Ujistěte se, že drapák je kompatibilní se stávajícím vybavením.

Úvahy o rozpočtu: Cenové rozpětí drapáku je různé. Vyrovnejte svůj rozpočet na základě funkce a životnosti drapáku.

Komentáře a návrhy: Prozkoumejte online, čtěte uživatelské recenze a hledejte návrhy od kolegů z oboru.

Před nákupem navštivte výrobce jeřábu pro kontrolu a testování na místě: otestujte drapák co nejvíce v reálných podmínkách. Vyhodnoťte jeho výkon, snadnost použití a celkovou funkčnost.

Mějte na paměti, že výběr správného drapáku vyžaduje rovnováhu mezi funkčností, bezpečností a cenou. Zvážením těchto faktorů najdete perfektní drapák, který může zvýšit produktivitu a zajistit hladký provoz.

Choose the appropriate hydraulic grabs and mechanical grabs according to the needs of different projects

We use 2 previous Dafangcrane projects to help you distinguish the selection.

Case1-Hydraulic grabs are used on overhead cranes

Zv\u011bt\u0161it obr\u00e1zek","alt":""}" data-wp-interactive="core/image" class="wp-block-image size-full wp-lightbox-container">
  • Typ projektu: Používá se v projektech výroby energie z odpadu, hlavně se používá k řešení míchání, ukládání, manipulace, míchání atd. domácího odpadu, aby bylo zajištěno jednotné složení odpadu. Vypořádejte se s 600 t odpadu denně; provoz zařízení je delší než 8000h.
  • Vlastnosti materiálu: 
  • Vlhkost domácího odpadu je 45%~65%
  • Hustota odpadu v drapáku je 0,6~0,9t/m3
  • Kapacita odpadu (v odpadkovém prostoru) 0,3~0,6t/m3
  • Statický akumulační úhel 65 stupňů
  • Price reference: The hydraulic grabs are more intelligent and more complex than the mechanical grab, so the price is 4.1 times that of the mechanical claw grab.
  • Why choose hydraulic grabs:

Materiálová rozmanitost: The composition of domestic waste is complex, the moisture content is high, and the material diversity is rich, which requires a flexible grab for processing.The hydraulic grabs are multifunctional and can effectively handle materials of different types and states.

Přesnost a účinnost uchopení: The hydraulic grabs can accurately control the grasping force and angle, and adapt to the fine operations required in the garbage disposal process, such as mixing, dumping, handling and stirring, to ensure uniform garbage composition.

Silná kapacita zpracování: Denně se zpracuje 600 tun odpadu a zařízení běží až 8 000 hodin. Odolnost a efektivní výkon hydraulického drapáku splňují potřeby vysoce intenzivních operací.

Bezpečnost a stabilita: The hydraulic grabs operates smoothly, which can reduce the risk of material spilling and operation, improve work safety, and is suitable for handling domestic waste with high moisture content and large density changes.

Přizpůsobte se složitým operačním prostředím: The hydraulic grabs can maintain efficient operation in a changeable working environment, especially suitable for garbage disposal, which requires frequent operation and flexible response to various materials.

Dlouhodobé a vysokofrekvenční operace: The durability and stability of the hydraulic grab enable it to cope with long-term and high-frequency operations, reduce downtime, and improve overall work efficiency.

In summary, the choice of hydraulic grab is based on its comprehensive considerations of flexibility, high efficiency, durability and safety, which can effectively meet the complex and high-intensity operation needs of waste power generation projects.

Case2-Mechanical grabs are used on overhead cranes

Zv\u011bt\u0161it obr\u00e1zek","alt":""}" data-wp-interactive="core/image" class="wp-block-image size-full wp-lightbox-container">Mechanical grab is used on overhead cranes
  • Specifická hmotnost materiálu: 2 t/m3
  • Typ projektu: Používá se ve společnostech s kovovým práškovým magnetickým materiálem, lano s uchopovacím drátem přijímá typ odolný vůči teplotě z nerezové oceli.
  • Price reference:The mechanical grab has a simple structure and costs about 24.39% of the hydraulic grab, making it the best choice if you are on a limited budget
  • Why choose mechanical grab:

Good sealing: materials such as metal powder are easy to scatter during handling, and the mechanical grabs has a simple structure and good sealing, which can effectively prevent materials from spilling and improve the cleanliness and safety of operations.

Cost-effectiveness: The purchase and maintenance costs of mechanical grabs are low, and they are suitable for operations with limited budgets and long-term and high-frequency use.

Trvanlivost: The grab wire rope adopts stainless steel temperature-resistant type, which is suitable for material handling such as metal powders that have high requirements for temperature and corrosion resistance.

Applicable environment: For metal powder in a dry state, the gripping force and stability of the mechanical grabs are sufficient to meet the needs, and the operation is simple and easy to maintain.

Work efficiency: The mechanical grab can quickly and efficiently complete the grabbing and handling of materials, improve the overall work efficiency, and is suitable for the rapid operation needs of industrial production lines.

In summary, the choice of mechanical grab is based on its comprehensive considerations of closure, cost-effectiveness, durability, applicable environment and operating efficiency, which can effectively meet the actual needs of metal powder magnetic material companies.

Comprehensive comparison

It is recommended to choose mechanical grabs in the following cases:

  • Harsh operating environment: In harsh environments with high dust and humidity, mechanical grabs are more reliable than hydraulic grabs and are less affected by environmental impact.
  • Simplicity and cost-effectiveness are priorities: the mechanical grabs has a simple structure and low maintenance costs, which is suitable for projects with limited budgets.
  • Easy maintenance: The mechanical grabs have a simple structure and a small maintenance workload, which can reduce downtime and improve operation continuity.
  • Available equipment: If the existing lifting equipment does not have a hydraulic system, the mechanical grab can be used directly without additional modification or investment.
  • Operation training: the operation of the mechanical grab is relatively simple, the training cost is low, and it is suitable for rapid deployment and use.

It is recommended to choose hydraulic grabs in the following cases:

  • When greater gripping force is required: the hydraulic grabs are flexible in operation, the gripping force and angle can be accurately controlled, and the gripping force is stronger than that of the mechanical grabs.
  • You operate hydraulic machinery: if you already have hydraulic equipment, the hydraulic grabs can be directly integrated to improve operating efficiency.
  •  Safe and efficient material handling is essential: the hydraulic grabs operate smoothly, reduce material damage and operational risks, and improve work safety and efficiency.
  • There are automation requirements: the hydraulic grab can be integrated with the automation control system to achieve more intelligent operations and improve the overall production efficiency.

In short, mechanical grabs and hydraulic grabs have their advantages in material handling. Evaluate your specific requirements, consider available equipment, and make an informed choice. Whether you choose the robustness and simplicity of the mechanical grabs or the accuracy of the hydraulic grabs, remember that the right grab can increase productivity and ensure smooth operation.

Dafang Crane offers a wide range of hydraulic and mechanical grabs, including various types of automated grabs designed to meet diverse needs. Whether you’re looking for efficient solutions for heavy lifting or specialized applications, we have the right equipment for you. Click on the image link below to explore our full selection and find the perfect grab for your business needs.

15 různých drapáků pro jeřábové aplikace.

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ZNAČKY: Hydraulic Grabs,Mechanical Grabs

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  • E-mailem: sales@hndfcrane.com
  • Telefon: +86-182 3738 3867

  • WhatsApp: +86-191 3738 6654
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  • Fax: +86-373-215 7000
  • Skype: dafang2012

  • Přidat: Changnao Industrial District, Xinxiang City, provincie Henan, Čína
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