Grúa Dafang para el vehículo de lanzamiento LM8. Sistemas de elevación de plataforma de lanzamiento que respaldan el lanzamiento de cohetes.

25 de marzo de 2025

At 0:38 on March 12, the LM 8 launch vehicle was launched from the No. 1 station of China’s Commercial Space Launch Center, and the launch mission was **successful. In this launch mission, Dafang Crane participated in the manufacturing of the Long March 8 rockets, the lifting of the test plant, and the assembly of the rockets on the service tower, which all-roundedly assisted the success of the Long March 8 launch vehicle in the sky.

The Long March 8 launch vehicle adopts the improved three-drop measurement and launch mode, and in the Hainan assembly and test plant, a generous new Chinese double girder crane will vertically lift all levels of arrows, fairings, and payload combinations on the movable launch platform, and after completing the tests, the rockets will be vertically transferred to the launch area through the movable launch platform.

LM8 Launch Vehicle Launch Pad

In the launch area, the No. 1 launch station fixed service tower on the large square rocket launch special crane on the LM 8A rocket lifting, high precision with its successful completion of a series of processes such as sub-system testing, general inspection and testing, rescue drills and simulated refueling launch.

LM8 Launch Vehicle Launch Pad2

Dafang Crane developed and designed special cranes for rocket launching, adopting tower body-less horizontal up-swing structure, which can be rotated by 360°, with functions of anti-rocking, position memory, precise positioning and 90°anchor locking, etc., and safety measures such as torque windproof, redundant mechanism with one backup, wire rope breakage protection, etc., as well as setting up the emergency self-processing function for failures, which greatly ensures the safe and stable lifting of the rockets.

Space exploration is never-ending, and the journey of dreaming has a long way to go. As a staunch supporter of the national space industry, Dafang Crane will continue to uphold the original spirit of serving the country with industry, demonstrate the power of China’s manufacturing in the new era, and contribute to the realization of the great dream of building a strong spacefaring nation, so that the Chinese people’s footsteps of exploring the space can be more stable and farther away.

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Soy Cindy, tengo 10 años de experiencia laboral en la industria de las grúas y he acumulado una gran cantidad de conocimientos profesionales. He elegido grúas satisfactorias para más de 500 clientes. Si tiene alguna necesidad o pregunta sobre grúas, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo. ¡Usaré mi experiencia y mi experiencia práctica para ayudarlo a resolver el problema!

ETIQUETAS: Grúa de pórtico de doble viga,puente grúa birraíl,grúa pórtico,grúa aérea,Puente Grúa Monorrail

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  • Dirección: distrito industrial de Changnao, ciudad de Xinxiang, provincia de Henan, China
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