Mechanical Two Rope Clamshell Grabs for Crane with Double Lifting Device Structure

Mechanical two-rope clamshell grabs are an effective tool for loading and unloading bulk cargo such as yellow sand, coal, ore powder, and bulk fertilizer in various harsh environments.

Mechanical two rope clamshell grabs has a simple structure, a novel opening and closing mechanism, easy to operate, and can accurately complete the opening and closing actions in various states.

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Product Introduction of the mechanical two rope clamshell grabs

The mechanical two rope clamshell grabs is suitable for all kinds of cranes with double lifting device structure, and is mostly used in ports, docks, construction roads and bridges and other industries.

According to the material characteristics, it can be equipped with light, medium, heavy, and super heavy. Suitable for grabbing all kinds of loose accumulations.

Then various cranes. Equipped with two sets of motor reels (i.e. electric hoists), each set of reels leads to a wire rope, one of which serves as the support on the grab balance frame, and the other wire rope passes through the pulleys of the upper and lower beams to form a pulley block, which plays a role in the opening.

Mechanical two rope clamshell grabs are an effective tool for loading and unloading bulk cargo such as yellow sand, coal, ore powder, and bulk fertilizer in various harsh environments.

Mechanical two rope clamshell grabs has a simple structure, a novel opening and closing mechanism, easy to operate, and can accurately complete the opening and closing actions in various states.

Mechanical two rope clamshell grabs adopts a three-dimensional virtual design, and ANSYS software is used for strength analysis and verification. The weight distribution is more reasonable and the service life is longer.

The upper bearing beam of the mechanical two rope clamshell grabs are equipped with lugs, which can be directly connected to the lifting rope shackle of the crane.

Parameter teknis of the mechanical two rope clamshell grabs

Mechanical two rope clamshell grabs drawing
Type and SizeVolume(M3)Dead Weigh(t) Dimensions(mm)Sheave Dia.(satuan ukuran)Use Height(m)Steel Rope Dia.(satuan ukuran) SWL(T)
  2(4)      9.8  
BS16[10]6A10(400)6 (3)32004000393846732500ø65012ø2816

Cara memilih grab yang tepat

  1. Jelaskan tujuan Anda:

Sebelum menyelami pilihan-pilihan yang ada, mohon jelaskan persyaratan spesifik Anda. Tanyakan pada diri Anda sendiri:

  • Material apa yang ingin Anda tangani?(Kayu gelondongan, besi tua, batu, dll.)
  • Tugas apa yang akan dilakukan oleh grab? (Memuat, menyortir, membongkar, dan lain-lain)
  • Jenis perangkat apa yang akan dihubungkan dengannya? (Gantry crane, overhead crane)
  • Berapa berat jenis material yang Anda ambil? Berapa jumlah kubus yang Anda ambil?
  • Berapa tonase crane Anda yang dilengkapi grab?

Menurut karakteristik material yang dicengkeram, cengkeraman biasanya dibagi menjadi empat jenis dasar: ringan, sedang, berat, dan super berat.

Jenis material yang akan diambilAmbil bahannyaBerat kapasitas (t/m³)
LampuKokas, terak, biji-bijian, kentang, kapur antrasit kualitas sedang, semen, tanah, kerikil, tanah liat, pecahan batu bata, dll.0.5~1.2
SedangGambut, potongan besar batu bara antrasit, batu bara padat, tanah liat, batu kapur, kerikil, garam, kerikil, batu bata, bauksit, serpihan oksida besi, semen, pasir dan batu bata dalam air, dll.1.2~2.0
BeratBatu kapur, tanah liat berat, bijih-bijih berukuran kecil dan sedang, batuan keras, oksida besi berbentuk batang, bijih besi, bubuk konsentrat timbal, dll.2.0~2.6
KegemukanBijih besar, bijih mangan besar, bubuk bijih timbal yang diaglomerasi secara sedimen, dll.2.6~3.3


  1. Kompatibilitas aksesori: Pastikan pegangan tersebut kompatibel dengan perlengkapan yang ada.
  1. Pertimbangan anggaran: Kisaran harga grab berbeda-beda. Seimbangkan anggaran Anda berdasarkan fungsi dan daya tahan grab.
  1. Komentar dan saran: Lakukan riset daring, baca ulasan pengguna, dan minta saran dari rekan industri.
  1. Kunjungi produsen derek untuk pemeriksaan dan pengujian di tempat sebelum membeli: uji grab dalam kondisi nyata sebanyak mungkin. Evaluasi kinerja, kemudahan penggunaan, dan fungsionalitas keseluruhannya.

Keep in mind that choosing the right grab requires a balance between functionality, safety, and cost.By considering these fac

Kirim Pertanyaan Anda

  • Surel:
  • Telepon: +86-182 3738 3867

  • Ada apa: +86-191 3738 6654
  • Telp: +86-373-581 8299
  • Faks: +86-373-215 7000
  • Skype: dafang2012

  • Tambahkan: Distrik Industri Changnao, Kota Xinxiang, Provinsi Henan, Cina
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