Dafang memperoleh kualifikasi Grade B khusus untuk desain teknik struktur baja

04 April 2023

atas B

Baru-baru ini, Departemen Pembangunan Perumahan dan perkotaan-pedesaan Provinsi Henan ditinjau dan disetujui, diberikan Sangat berat “light steel structure engineering design special Class B” qualification, this qualification for our company in the field of steel structure technology to add a heavy color.


Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, di bawah latar belakang pola persaingan internasional yang terus berubah, meningkatnya tekanan ke bawah pada ekonomi domestik dan asing, dan pengembangan industri mesin berat yang menghadapi tantangan besar, Dafang Heavy Machine, di bawah bimbingan Pemikiran Xi Jinping tentang Sosialisme dengan Karakteristik Tiongkok untuk Era Baru, bersikeras pada inovasi yang digerakkan, aktif Memupuk karakteristik perusahaan, terus meningkatkan daya saing inti, berkomitmen pada penelitian dan pengembangan dan pembuatan produk baru, besar, khusus dan cerdas, secara aktif menanggapi panggilan nasional, mengembangkan produk "cerdas, hijau dan berjejaring". Saat ini, telah memperoleh 30 paten penemuan. Memiliki lebih dari 270 paten model utilitas dan telah dinilai sebagai "Pusat Teknologi Perusahaan Provinsi", "Pusat Penelitian Teknologi Rekayasa Derek Jalan dan Jembatan Provinsi Henan", dan "Perusahaan Teknologi Tinggi Nasional".

Xi ‘an Outer ring high-speed steel structure bridge

Steel – concrete composite beam for high-speed connection line of Qingdao New Airport

Reviewing the past, Dafang reloading fully released the design capacity, and successively designed and completed the 4300 tons steel box bridge project of Xi ‘an Outer Ring Trans-Beijing-Kunming Expressway for the Second Corporation Bureau of China Communications. On ROM high-speed across China railway 10 bureau for approval within the 3500 tons of steel box girder projects, sinopec tianjin bohai two 7500 tons of steel structure platform project, handan iron and steel designing institute of shandong lai steel desulfurization denitration environmental protection equipment, 4000 tons of non-standard steel structure project, the river green building prefabricated construction 2 square industrial park project and wei hua construction group camel eisai 3 square industrial park of science and technology projects And so on, the design and manufacturing capacity and construction quality have been praised by customers.

Taman Industri perakitan gedung hijau Zhonghe

Sinopec Tianjin-Bohua “Two-chemical” relocation and renovation project

The acquisition of the design qualification fully shows the comprehensive strength of our company in terms of development scale, management ability and project construction level. In the future, under the inspiration and guidance of the new goal, Dafang people will make unremitting efforts to build “the largest steel structure bridge production base in the Central Plains” and contribute to the great development of the infrastructure construction of the motherland.

Kirim Pertanyaan Anda

  • Surel: sales@hndfcrane.com
  • Telepon: +86-182 3738 3867

  • Ada apa: +86-191 3738 6654
  • Telp: +86-373-581 8299
  • Faks: +86-373-215 7000
  • Skype: dafang2012

  • Tambahkan: Distrik Industri Changnao, Kota Xinxiang, Provinsi Henan, Cina
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