Derek Listrik Single Girder Overhead Diekspor ke Kosta Rika

13 Desember 2024
  • Product: electric underslung derek overhead girder tunggal
  • Country: Costa Rica
  • Kapasitas: 1t
  • Span: 3.5m
  • Angkat Tinggi: 6m
  • Kecepatan Angkat: 3,4m/mnt
  • Trolley Speed: 11m/min
  • Kecepatan Perjalanan: 20m / mnt
  • Control Mode: pendant control
  • Work Duty: A3
  • Power Supply: 220V, 60Hz, 3-phase AC

    At the beginning of last month, we received an inquiry from a customer in Costa Rica who described their specific requirements. After discussing the details, we concluded that an electric underslung single girder overhead crane would be the best option for them.

    Since the customer needs the crane to handle metal plates and stainless steel sheets, we equipped it with vacuum suction cups. Additionally, the customer requested the inclusion of double chains and sprockets for enhanced functionality.

    If you have similar requirements or are simply interested in learning more about our cranes, feel free to inquire! We’d be happy to assist you.

    end beam 1

    Saya Cindy, dengan 10 tahun pengalaman kerja di industri derek dan telah mengumpulkan banyak pengetahuan profesional. Saya telah memilih derek yang memuaskan bagi 500+ pelanggan. Jika Anda memiliki kebutuhan atau pertanyaan tentang derek, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya, saya akan menggunakan keahlian dan pengalaman praktis saya untuk membantu Anda memecahkan masalah!

    Kirim Pertanyaan Anda

    • Surel:
    • Telepon: +86-182 3738 3867

    • Ada apa: +86-191 3738 6654
    • Telp: +86-373-581 8299
    • Faks: +86-373-215 7000
    • Skype: dafang2012

    • Tambahkan: Distrik Industri Changnao, Kota Xinxiang, Provinsi Henan, Cina
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