Mechanical Four Rope Clamshell Grabs Bucket for Efficient Handling

Mechanical four rope clamshell grabs bucket is a kind of operation suitable for ports, bulk carriers, large grain depots, bulk depots.

Engaged in small-particle overflow materials, it is an ideal tool for the loading and unloading of bulk materials that are easy to leak, such as grain, bulk fertilizers, and fine mineral sands.

Mechanical four rope clamshell grabs bucket is not easy to leak when the material is full and running.

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제품 소개

Mechanical four rope clamshell grabs bucket is a kind of operation suitable for ports, bulk carriers, large grain depots, bulk depots.

Engaged in small-particle overflow materials, it is an ideal tool for the loading and unloading of bulk materials that are easy to leak, such as grain, bulk fertilizers, and fine mineral sands.

Mechanical four rope clamshell grabs bucket is not easy to leak when the material is full and running.

Mechanical four rope clamshell grabs bucketstructure and shape are reasonable, the steel is good, the ratio of the weight of the grasping material to the weight of the grab reaches 1.5-1.92, and the fullness reaches 95-100%.

Mechanical four rope clamshell grabs bucket with a fullness of 95%~100%, it is an ideal gripper for small-grained loose objects.

Mechanical four rope clamshell grabs bucket bearing beam structure is shortened, the strength is good, and the weight is light.

Dustproof and waterproof, it can operate underwater.

Mechanical four rope clamshell grabs bucket is used in the grain and mining industries.

Mechanical four rope clamshell grabs bucket is more conducive to grabbing materials from the corners of the carriage and cabin.

The main bushings are made of bearing steel, the pin shaft materials are all 40cr, high temperature resistant bearings are used on the pulleys, and double-port rubber oil seals are added. The edge is made of wear-resistant alloy structural steel as the edge plate, which is easy to weld and repair, and has good impact resistance.

Technical parameters

Mechanical four rope clamshell grabs bucket drawing
모델용량(m³)Density (t/m³)Self weight (t)아(mm)비(mm)씨(mm)깊이(mm)E (mm)Pulley diameter (mm)Working height (m)Steel wire diameter (mm)Rated lifting weight (t)


DAFANG CRANE project case-Mechanical grab is used on overhead cranes

  • Grab type: Mechanical Four Rope Clamshell Grabs Bucket ,grab volume 4m3
  • Material specific gravity:2t/m3
  • Project type: Used in metal powder magnetic material companies, the grab wire rope adopts stainless steel temperature-resistant type.
  • Price reference:The mechanical grab has a simple structure and costs about 24.39% of the hydraulic grab, making it the best choice if you are on a limited budget.

올바른 그랩을 선택하는 방법

  1. 목적을 명확히 하세요:

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  • 어떤 종류의 장비에 연결되나요?(갠트리 크레인, 오버헤드 크레인)
  • 당신이 잡는 물질의 비중은 얼마입니까?잡는 물질의 입방체의 개수는 얼마입니까?
  • 그랩이 장착된 크레인의 톤수는 얼마입니까?

그랩은 잡아당기는 재료의 특성에 따라 보통 가벼움, 중간, 무거움, 매우 무거움의 네 가지 기본 유형으로 나뉩니다.

잡을 재료의 종류재료를 잡아라용량 중량(t/m³)
코크스, 슬래그, 곡물, 감자, 중품질 무연탄석회, 시멘트, 토양, 자갈, 점토, 깨진 벽돌 등.0.5~1.2
중간이탄, 큰 조각의 무연탄, 압축탄, 점토, 석회암, 자갈, 소금, 자갈, 벽돌, 보크사이트, 산화철 조각, 시멘트, 모래와 물 속의 벽돌 등.1.2~2.0
무거운석회암, 무거운 점토, 소규모 및 중규모 광석, 단단한 암석, 막대 모양의 산화철, 철광석, 납 농축물 분말 등.2.0~2.6
초과 중량대형 광석, 대형 망간광석, 침전되어 응집된 납광석 가루 등2.6~3.3


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  1. 의견 및 제안: 온라인에서 조사하고, 사용자 리뷰를 읽고, 업계 동료에게 제안을 구하세요.
  1. 구매하기 전에 크레인 제조업체로 가서 현장 검사 및 테스트를 받으세요. 가능한 한 실제 상황에서 그랩을 테스트해 보세요. 성능, 사용 편의성, 전반적인 기능을 평가하세요.

올바른 그랩을 선택하려면 기능성, 안전성, 비용 간의 균형이 필요합니다. 이러한 요소를 고려하면 생산성을 높이고 원활한 작동을 보장하는 완벽한 그랩을 찾을 수 있습니다.

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  • 팩스: 0373-215 7000
  • 스카이프: 다팡2012

  • 추가: 중국 허난성 신샹시 창나오 공업구
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