Przewodnik po krytycznej konserwacji i inspekcji elektrycznej suwnicy

listopad 16, 2024

Overhead cranes play a crucial role in industrial production, and the safety and reliability of their electrical systems are directly related to the proper functioning of the equipment and the safety of the operators. Therefore, the maintenance of the electrical systems is a key aspect of the daily upkeep of cranes. This article provides a detailed overview of the specific tasks involved in maintaining the electrical systems of overhead cranes, aiming to be helpful to you.

konserwacja elektryczna suwnicy

Overhead Crane Electrical Maintenance

Establish maintenance system of electrical equipment, all maintenance cycles are regulated according to work duty and environmental condition of the suwnica, all the following regulations apply for the common condition.

Codzienna konserwacja

Daily maintenance tasks are typically performed by crane operators during shift changes. These tasks include:

  • Cleaning: Remove dust, sludge, and oil from the exterior of the electrical equipment.
  • Inspection: Check for abnormal heating in motors, electromagnets, controller contacts, and resistors by touch. Inspect for oil leaks from bearings and ensure that wire joints are securely connected.
  • Observation: When opening observation covers or enclosures, prevent dust and iron filings from entering internal components. Record any unusual findings for further analysis.

Bi-weekly or Ten-Day Maintenance

More thorough checks should be carried out bi-weekly or every ten days by the electrician and crane driver. The scope of maintenance is as follows:

  • Internal Cleaning: Remove dust and sludge from inside the electrical equipment.
  • Component Check: Inspect the wear of the brush carrier and the slip ring of the motor’s carbon brush. Check for any abnormal noise from the motor, electromagnet, relay, and electromagnetic head.
  • Repair and Adjustment: Inspect and repair the controller and switch contacts.

Annual Maintenance or Overhaul

Annual maintenance or a comprehensive overhaul should be conducted by qualified electricians. This extensive overhead crane electrical maintenance process includes:

  • Disassembly and Cleaning: Disassemble electrical equipment and clean them. Overhaul the supporting frames of the equipment, clean the rolling bearings of the motor, and replace the grease.
  • Measurement and Replacement: Measure the gap between the rotor and stator. Replace the rolling bearings if they are uneven. Measure insulation resistance, dry it if necessary, repair all issues identified during the annual repair, and replace parts that are beyond repair. The scope of annual maintenance and overhaul is determined by the actual wear and obsolescence degree of the equipment.

Overhead Crane Electrical Inspection

1. Electric Motor

Items Content Standard
Motor windings Inspect insulation resistance and check for overheating. Insulation resistance should meet specified range.
Motor bearings Check lubrication condition and listen for abnormal noise. Proper lubrication and no abnormal noise.
Slip rings Inspect for discoloration, cracks, or loose connections at terminals. No discoloration, damage, cracks, or loose connections.
Brushes and leads Check for wear, looseness, correct pressure, carbon buildup, and sparking. No excessive wear, proper pressure, no sparking or buildup.

2. Current Collector System

(1) Bus Bar and Pulley Rail

Items Content Standard
Sliding wire, current collecting rail Check if there is any deformation, abrasion or damage.
Check whether it is normal for tension device.
Check the contact condition of sliding wire and sliding block.
Check if there is any loose for insulator supports.
No significant deformation, wear, or damage.
Proper tension.
Good contact.
No loose supports.
Covers, shells, and enclosures Inspect for damage or deformation and ensure electrical shock prevention devices are functioning properly. No damage or significant deformation; adequate clearance from sliding lines.
Insulated collectors Check for abnormalities in the wiring of insulated collectors. Reliable connection of cable cores, joints, and housings.
Insulators Inspect for detachment, looseness, cracks, or dirt. No detachment, looseness, cracks, or dirt.

(2) Current Collector

Items Content Standard
Mechanical parts Check for wear and damage. Ensure proper lubrication. No significant wear or damage. Proper lubrication.
Spring Check for deformation, corrosion, or fatigue damage. No deformation, significant corrosion, or fatigue damage.
Wiring and insulation Check for disconnections in wiring and inspect insulators for damage or contamination. No disconnections, damage, or contamination.
Joint bolts Check for looseness or detachment in fastening parts. No looseness or detachment.

(3) Power Supply Cables

Items Content Standard
Insulation layer Check for any damage. No damage.
Connection points Check for looseness or detachment in fastening parts. No looseness or detachment.
Cables and guiding devices Inspect the stretched sections of cables for bending, twisting, or damage.
Check the operation of the cable guiding device.
No bending, twisting, or damage.
Smooth operation.

3. Electrical Components and Control System

(1) Switches

Items Content Standard
Switch Check for abnormalities in switch operation and inspect for external damage. Operation must be normal and no external damage.
Contact parts Inspect the hinges and clamps for appropriate contact pressure. Contact pressure must be appropriate.
Fuse Verify correct installation and appropriate capacity of the fuse. Proper installation and suitable capacity.

(2) Contactors

Items Content Standard
Contacts Check contact pressure and inspect the contact surface for damage. No gaps on contact surfaces; complete separation when disengaged.
Spring Inspect for damage, deformation, corrosion, or fatigue aging. No damage, deformation, significant corrosion, or fatigue aging.
Movable core Check for foreign matter on the core’s contact surface.
Ensure no abnormal noise during operation and no broken shielding coils.
Examine the stopper for wear or damage.
Ensure there is no gap when the circuit is open.
No foreign matter.
No abnormal noise or broken shielding coils.
No significant wear or damage.
No gap.
Arc suppression coil Check for looseness in fastening parts. No looseness.
Arc suppression grid Verify positioning and inspect for burning. Correct positioning; no significant burning.
Fasteners Check for looseness. No looseness.

(3) Relays

Items Content Standard
Spring Inspect for bending, deformation, corrosion, or fatigue damage. No bending, deformation, significant corrosion, or fatigue damage.
Time relay Check its timing functionality. Accurate timing.
Damping delay unit Inspect for detachment or oil leakage from the oil cylinder.
Check oil level and quality.
No detachment or leakage.
Oil level and quality should be normal.
Contact piece Check for damage and wear on the contact surface. No significant damage or wear.
Operation mechanism and manual test Manually operate and inspect its operational status. Operation must be normal.

(4) Controller Operation Switch

Items Content Standard
Internal wiring Check the connection of terminals.
Inspect for contamination or deterioration of wiring and insulation.
Check wire entry points for abnormalities.
No loosening or detachment.
No damage, contamination, or deterioration.
No abnormalities.
Tightened connections Inspect fasteners for looseness. No looseness.
Electric shock protection device Check for abnormalities in the protection device. No damage, detachment, deformation, or deterioration.
Operational status Check if operational status is normal.
Inspect zero-position limiter and handle operation.
Smooth operation.
Limiter and handle must stop securely.
Clutch plates and clutch rollers Inspect contact pressure.
Check fasteners for looseness.
Inspect lubrication of rollers.
Complete contact and proper disengagement.
No looseness.
Adequate lubrication.
Reset spring Check for breakage, deformation, corrosion, or fatigue damage. No breakage, deformation, significant corrosion, or fatigue damage.
Bearings and gears Inspect lubrication condition. Proper oiling and adequate lubrication.
Contact plates and points Check for damage or wear on the contact surface.
Inspect depth of contact.
No significant damage or wear.
Complete contact.
Insulation rod Inspect for cracks or contamination. No cracks or significant contamination.
Motion direction display plate Check for damage or contamination. Clear display; no significant contamination.
Wire entry Check wire entry points for abnormalities. No damage or significant deterioration.
Counterweight switch Check operational status.
Inspect for damage or contamination.
If metal casing, check grounding.
Insure no unnecessary force on rubber cables.
Inspect casing, cover, and suspension protection devices.
Normal operation.
No damage or contamination.
No looseness.
No excessive force.
No damage.

(5) Resistors

Items Content Standard
Terminals Check for looseness in fasteners. No looseness.
Resistor plates Inspect for cracks or damage.
Check for contact between plates.
Ensure there is no looseness.
Check for overheating or burning of terminals, connections, and insulation.
Inspect for dust accumulation on the insulators.
No cracks or damage.
No contact between plates.
No looseness.
No overheating or burning.
No dust accumulation.
Connection fasteners Check for looseness in fasteners. No looseness.

4. Wiring and Communication

Items Content Standard
Exposed internal wiring Check for damage to the protective layer.
Inspect for excessive tension, twisting, or loose clamps.
No damage.
Must not be excessively tight, twisted, or loose.
Lighting and signal lamps Check if the brightness is appropriate.
Inspect for loose connections, fasteners, and damage to bulbs or protective devices.
Ensure sufficient brightness for instruments and operations.
No looseness or damage.
Communication devices Inspect the functionality of communication facilities. Communication must function normally.
Circuit Insulation resistance Measure the insulation resistance of each branch in the distribution circuit for abnormalities. Insulation resistance must be within the specified range.


By conducting regular maintenance and adhering to strict safety protocols, the reliability and safety of the electrical systems in overhead cranes can be significantly improved. Whether through daily inspections, periodic checks, or annual overhauls, these practices help extend the equipment’s lifespan and reduce the risk of unexpected failures and accidents. Ensuring the stability of the electrical system not only enhances operational efficiency but also provides a safer working environment for operators.

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TAGI: Crane Electrical Inspection,Crane Electrical Maintenance,suwnica

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