Żurawie ścienne przesuwne: jak je wybrać

Lipiec 08, 2023

When it comes to efficient material handling within an industrial setting, choosing the right equipment is crucial. One such versatile option for lifting and moving heavy loads is the wall travelling jib crane. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of wall travelling jib cranes and provide insights on how to choose the most suitable one for your specific needs.

Overview Of Wall Travelling Jib Cranes

Wall-traveling jib cranes are specialized lifting devices designed to provide efficient material handling and lifting solutions in industrial settings. These cranes are typically mounted on the wall or column of a building, allowing them to traverse horizontally along the length of a specific area. They consist of a horizontal jib arm that extends outward and a trolley system for smooth movement along the jib. Wall-traveling jib cranes are known for their versatility and compact design, making them ideal for use in areas with limited floor space. They offer excellent maneuverability and can handle light to moderate loads with ease. These cranes find application in various industries, such as manufacturing, warehouses, assembly lines, and maintenance facilities, where they help streamline operations by providing precise and controlled lifting capabilities close to the work area.

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Wall Travelling Jib Crane

  • Load Capacity: The first and foremost factor to consider is the load capacity of the crane. It is essential to evaluate the maximum weight of the loads that need to be lifted regularly. Selecting a crane with an appropriate load capacity ensures safe and efficient material handling operations.
  • Span Length: The span length refers to the distance covered by the jib crane along the wall. It is determined by the available workspace and the desired coverage area. Careful consideration should be given to the span length to ensure that the crane can reach all intended locations without any restrictions.
  • Hoist Speed and Control: The wciągnik speed plays a significant role in determining the efficiency of material handling operations. Depending on your requirements, you may need a wall travelling jib crane with adjustable hoist speeds. Additionally, considering the control options, such as pendant control or remote control, is crucial for ease of operation.
  • Safety Features: Safety should be a top priority when selecting any industrial equipment, including wall travelling jib cranes. Look for features such as overload protection, emergency stop buttons, limit switches, and anti-collision systems. These safety measures help prevent accidents and protect both personnel and equipment.
  • Installation Requirements: Before choosing a wall travelling jib crane, it is essential to assess the installation requirements. Consider factors such as wall structure, foundation requirements, and any additional modifications that may be needed. Consulting with a professional installer can ensure a smooth and safe installation process.

Assessing The Workspace

ruchomy żuraw ścienny

  • Evaluating Available Space: Before investing in a wall travelling jib crane, evaluate the available space within your facility. Take into account the height, width, and length of the area where the crane will be installed. This assessment will help determine the appropriate size and configuration of the crane.
  • Analyzing Structural Considerations: The structural integrity of the wall or building where the crane will be mounted is crucial for safe operations. Ensure that the wall can withstand the weight and stress exerted by the crane and the loads it will handle. Consulting with a structural engineer can provide valuable insights into the feasibility of installing a wall travelling jib crane.

Choosing The Right Wall Travelling Jib Crane

To select the right wall travelling jib crane, you need to consider all the aforementioned factors and align them with your specific needs and requirements:

Matching Load Capacity To Requirements

The load capacity refers to the maximum weight that the crane can safely lift. It is crucial not to underestimate or overestimate your load capacity needs. Assess the average weight of the loads you will be lifting and choose a crane with a slightly higher capacity to allow for potential future growth. This ensures efficient and safe operations while prolonging the lifespan of the crane.

wall traveling jib crane load

Determining Suitable Span Length

Next, you need to determine the suitable span length for your wall travelling jib crane. The span length refers to the distance between the center of rotation and the wall. Consider the layout of your workspace and the area where the crane will be used. Measure the required coverage area to ensure that the crane can reach all the necessary points. Optimal span length selection allows for smooth and unrestricted movement, maximizing the crane’s operational efficiency.

Considering Hoist Speed And Control Options

Hoist speed and control options play a significant role in the performance of a wall travelling jib crane. Evaluate your workflow and the speed at which materials need to be lifted and transported. Choose a crane with variable hoist speeds to accommodate different tasks. Additionally, consider the control options available, such as push-button pendant control or radio remote control. These features contribute to precise and effortless crane operation, enhancing productivity and worker convenience.

Ensuring Compliance With Safety Standards

Safety should always be a top priority when selecting any type of lifting equipment. Ensure that the wall travelling jib crane you choose complies with industry safety standards and regulations. Look for certifications such as CE or OSHA compliance. Additionally, consider safety features like overload protection, emergency stop buttons, and limit switches. Prioritizing safety not only protects your workers but also minimizes the risk of accidents and equipment damage.

Reviewing Installation Requirements

Before finalizing your choice, review the installation requirements of the wall travelling jib crane. Consider factors such as available space, structural support, and power supply. Consult with professional installers to ensure that the crane can be properly installed in your facility. Proper installation guarantees optimal performance, longevity, and adherence to safety standards.

Często zadawane pytania

  1. Why is hoist speed and control important in a wall travelling jib crane?
    Hoist speed affects productivity and operational efficiency. Choosing a crane with suitable hoist speed ensures efficient lifting and lowering of loads. Additionally, consider the control options to ensure smooth and precise movements.
  2. What safety features should I look for when selecting a wall travelling jib crane?
    Look for cranes with robust safety features such as overload protection, emergency stop buttons, collision avoidance systems, and audible alarms. These features help mitigate potential risks and ensure operator and personnel safety.
  3. How do I select the right wall travelling jib crane based on my requirements?
    To select the right crane, you need to carefully match your specific load capacity, span length, hoist speed, control options, safety features, and installation requirements to the available crane models. A thorough analysis of these factors will help you choose the crane that best fits your needs.

Wyślij zapytanie

  • E-mail: sprzedaż@hndfcrane.com
  • Telefon: +86-182 3738 3867

  • WhatsApp: +86-191 3738 6654
  • Tel: +86-373-581 8299
  • Faks: +86-373-215 7000
  • Skype: dafang2012

  • Dodaj: dzielnica przemysłowa Changnao, miasto Xinxiang, prowincja Henan, Chiny
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