
A power plant refers to a power plant that converts some form of original energy into electrical energy for use in fixed facilities or transportation, such as thermal power, hydropower and wind plants.

Power plant cranes include gantry cranes, bridge cranes, jib cranes and chain hoists. Gantry cranes are mainly installed on the dam to lift the gates, and others are mainly installed in the main building for maintenance, installation and lifting of mechanical and electrical equipment;

Hydroelectric power crane

Hydroelectric power plants use dams to generate hydroelectric power. The specific process is to first store water in a reservoir and then release it to one or more turbines.

Immediately, the water turbine drives the generator to run, and the generator generates electricity by using the potential energy generated by the water level difference between the upstream and downstream.

For the spillway, gantry crane can lift the gate; the bridge crane can be used to install turbines and other power generation equipment, and can also be used for maintenance.

Thermal power crane

A thermal power plant uses coal or oil to heat the boiler to convert water into steam. Then, the steam is used to drive the turbine,which is connected to the generator. After the turbine starts to run, it can generate electricity. The electricity generated by it will be output by the generator and then supplied to users through high-voltage transmission lines.

Some thermal power plants also use natural gas to drive turbines. By burning natural gas, heat energy can be generated, which is then converted into steam pressure to drive turbines.

Dafang Crane provides cranes suitable for various thermal power plants, such as turbine room cranes, boiler room cranes and hoisting hoists, maintenance/workshop cranes and hoisting hoists, etc.

Wind power crane

Regardless of inland or coastal areas, wind turbines may be used in areas where the wind is strong and stable. Nowadays, almost all modern turbines adopt three-blade upwind design. In this way, the wind will cause the blades of the turbine to rotate, thereby driving the shaft to rotate. Since the shaft is connected to the generator, the generator can be driven to generate electricity.

The electric chain hoist is mainly used to lift spare parts and complete the maintenance work of the windmill house machinery. At the same time, the hoist can be installed on a cantilever crane in the turbine nacelle. With the lifting hoist, maintenance personnel can safely lift the turbine equipment through the hoist for repair or replacement without entering the nacelle through the hatch cover or along the tower.

The workshop crane is suitable for the production/manufacturing process of the windmill house. Such cranes include wall cranes, bridge cranes, cantilever cranes and manual hoists.

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  • Email: sales@hndfcrane.com
  • Phone: +86-182 3738 3867

  • WhatsApp: +86-191 3738 6654
  • Tel: +86-373-581 8299
  • Fax: +86-373-215 7000
  • Skype: dafang2012

  • Add: Changnao Industrial District, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China
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