Ponte rolante de viga dupla 2T entregue no Havaí

17 de dezembro de 2024

The double girder overhead crane exported to Hawaii, USA, was delivered on time and arrived smoothly, with its appearance intact. Now, the installation is nearing completion. Although our engineers did not visit the site in person, they worked closely with the customer from the initial preparation, providing detailed installation guidance materials in both Chinese and English, with pictures and text. They also offered remote support around the clock, answering all questions and working together with the customer. The customer is very satisfied with our products and services and mentioned that they would recommend us to more friends.

Whatsapp: +86-19137386654

Eu sou Cindy, com 10 anos de experiência de trabalho na indústria de guindastes e acumulei uma riqueza de conhecimento profissional. Eu escolhi os guindastes satisfatórios para mais de 500 clientes. Se você tiver alguma necessidade ou dúvida sobre guindastes, sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato comigo, usarei minha expertise e experiência prática para ajudá-lo a resolver o problema!

Envie sua pergunta

  • Email: sales@hndfcrane.com
  • Telefone: +86-182 3738 3867

  • Whatsapp: +86-191 3738 6654
  • Tel: +86-373-581 8299
  • Fax: +86-373-215 7000
  • Skype: dafang2012

  • Adicionar: Distrito Industrial de Changnao, cidade de Xinxiang, província de Henan, China
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