Dafang tung utrustning • Hebi Technician College Signering av strategiskt samarbete.
On the morning of December 18, Dafang Heavy Equipment and Hebi Technician College signed a strategic cooperation agreement and the opening ceremony of the new apprenticeship training class in 2022 was held in the conference room on the fifth floor of the group. Leaders such as Lv Qin, section chief of Changyuan Citizens’ Health Service Center, Chen Yong, deputy dean of Hebi Technician College, and Liu Zijun, general manager of Dafang Heavy Equipment, attended the signing and opening ceremony. Representatives of Dafang Heavy Equipment employees attended the meeting as delegates.
Chen Yong, biträdande dekanus vid Hebi Technician College, höll ett tal.
Dekan Chen introducerade Hebi Technician College, och förklarade och såg fram emot den strategiska betydelsen och utvecklingsmöjligheterna för samarbete mellan skola och företag. Han påpekade att det strategiska samarbetet mellan Dafang Heavy Equipment och Hebi Technician College måste ha en lovande framtid. Injicera utvecklingstakt i företaget och uppnå fruktbara resultat.
Liu Zijun, general manager för Dafang Heavy Equipment, höll ett tal.
On behalf of Dafang, Mr. Liu expressed his warm welcome to the leaders and guests attending the ceremony, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the leaders and staff who contributed to this strategic cooperation. Subsequently, Mr. Liu explained the purpose of this strategic cooperation from the three aspects of “building a team, corporate culture, and industry-university integration”, and pointed out that school-enterprise cooperation will achieve resource sharing and complementary advantages, and build a platform for the integration of knowledge and action for employees. Dafang cultivates outstanding talents and contributes to exporting knowledge-based, skilled and innovative talents to the country.
Lv Qinling, Section Chief of Changyuan Citizens’ Health Service Center, delivered a speech.
Sektionschef Lv sa att utbildningen av företagets nya lärlingssystem är av stor betydelse för att odla talanger med suveräna färdigheter och utsökta färdigheter, förbättra kvaliteten på företagets personalstyrka och övergripande förbättra företagets innovationsförmåga och konkurrenskraft. Han hoppas att medarbetare som deltar i utbildningen kommer att vårda denna tid. Utbildningsmöjligheter, sträva efter att bemästra avancerade teorier och avancerade färdigheter och göra sina egna bidrag till samhället.
Evenemanget var en fullständig ceremoni.
Klasserna är officiellt öppnade.
This strategic cooperation signing opened a new chapter in the cultivation of talents for industry-university integration. It is an important measure for schools and enterprises to jointly promote industrial transformation and upgrading and regional economic development in the new economic era of “enterprise-school dual system, integration of engineering and learning”. We firmly believe that through the joint efforts of both parties and complementary advantages, cooperation will be pushed to new heights; mutual benefit and win-win results will be achieved in production, education and research; and more knowledge, skills, and innovative talents will be cultivated.