Tabia ya Mtindo—- Umoja, Ubunifu, Zuia mbele katika Kikundi cha Umeme

Oktoba 13, 2017

电器照片01 2

Style Character—- Unity, Innovation, Forge ahead in the Electrical Group

Treni kukimbia haraka, shukrani kwa mbele na idara ya kufanya vizuri, timu inahitaji kuunga kiuno. Katika idara yetu ya vifaa vya uzalishaji wa familia, kikundi cha umeme ni mstari wa mbele wa wengi wa timu yetu, kwa idara ya vifaa vya uzalishaji ya maendeleo ya kuendelea ilichukua jukumu muhimu!

Electrical group in innovative learning, self-improvement has done a lot of efforts to ensure the completion of the distribution department to complete the production tasks at the same time, electrical group in their own areas of active, learning innovation, in the production team blowing a burst of innovative wind! First, the layout of electrical components innovation. The installation and installation of the original layout of the anti-swing crane has been completed. The design of the PLC, touch screen, high power inverter, high power contactor and circuit breaker has been innovated. The design is not only realized The strong and weak isolation, effectively avoid the strong electric interference on the weak signal, and the appearance of neat, wiring neat, improve product reliability. Second, crane electrical reliability innovation. During the long time research and practice, we have to explore the crane to improve the reliability of a new road. Frequently used terminals are screw-type terminals, a large part of the customer feedback problem is running a long time running will be loose lines, power-down problem. In order to avoid such problems again, after in-depth study and long-term study, to find a new type of terminal blocks that spring-type terminals, after long-term practice, the terminal dropped the problem to be effectively resolved, and greatly improved. The production efficiency and the quality of the electrical cabinet. This improvement has been the company’s leadership recognition and awards, by the electrical installers of praise.

Madarasa ya umeme yanaweza kuwa mfano wa timu ya uzalishaji, na mfuatiliaji wa umeme Xiao Yanqing ana uhusiano wa karibu. Xiao Yanqing mkuu katika uhandisi wa umeme katika chuo kikuu, akijifunza ustadi thabiti wa msingi, baada ya kuhitimu katika kikundi cha ukarimu, atajifunza maarifa ya kinadharia yanayotumika kufanya mazoezi, na baadaye kutoka kwa uti wa mgongo wa darasa la umeme hatua kwa hatua kuwa mfuatiliaji wa darasa la umeme, maono wenyewe na wanafunzi wa chuo mawazo ya kipekee ya usimamizi kwa madarasa ya umeme, kujenga mazingira ya nguvu ya kujifunza, utekelezaji wa juu, timu ya ubora bora.

Madarasa ya umeme ni kiburi cha timu ya uzalishaji, wanaungana, uvumbuzi, wanasonga mbele, katika kampuni kuunda kipande cha anga yao angavu, kama alama za timu za uzalishaji zinajifunza. Kuna timu kama hiyo na hatima ya kampuni iliendelea kukua pamoja, ikapelekea timu ya uzalishaji kuendelea pamoja, naamini generous group kesho itakuwa na kipaji zaidi!

Tuma Uchunguzi Wako

  • Barua pepe:
  • Simu: +86-182 3738 3867

  • WhatsApp: +86-191 3738 6654
  • Simu: +86-373-581 8299
  • Faksi: +86-373-215 7000
  • Skype: dafang2012

  • Ongeza: Wilaya ya Viwanda ya Changnao, Jiji la Xinxiang, Mkoa wa Henan, Uchina
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