3.2 tonluk Elektrikli Vinç Rus Müşteriye Teslim Edildi

10 Ekim 2023
  • Capacity: 3.2t
  • Lift height: 6m
  • Kaldırma hızı: 8m/dak
  • Seyahat hızı: 20 m/dak
  • Duty classification: M5

This is the first order between this Russian client and Dafang, but we had good communication and negotiation during the quotation supply.

After finishing the electric hoist, we shipped it immediately and delivered it to Heilongjiang as promised.

Hope we can have long term cooperation in the next step.

packaged t hoist

t hoist

Sorgunuzu Gönderin

  • E-posta: satış@hndfcrane.com
  • Telefon: +86-182 3738 3867

  • Naber: +86-191 3738 6654
  • Tel: +86-373-581 8299
  • Faks: +86-373-215 7000
  • Skype: dafang2012

  • Adres: Changnao Sanayi Bölgesi, Xinxiang Şehri, Henan Eyaleti, Çin
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