7月9日晚, 大方起重集团大方重机2021年第三季度全体员工大会在八楼会议室隆重召开,大方集团董事长马俊杰、大方重机董事长张洪连、总经理刘子军等领导及全体管理人员、班组长、班子骨干参加了大会。大会旨在回顾总结2021年上半年工作,规划部署2021年下半年工作。会上,大方起重重机总经理刘子军作2021年上半年全员大会工作报告。报告对上半年工作进行了全面分析和总结,对2021年下半年各系统工作进行了统筹部署,为全体员工下一步工作指明了方向。为进一步确保下半年集团工作有序高质量开展,大方重机董事长张洪连发表讲话。张董事长对上半年集团运行情况给予了肯定,指出了工作中存在的不足,提醒和安排了多项重点工作,强调了工作要求和方法。张董事长的讲话有深度、有温度,更加坚定了全体大方人齐心协力、勇攀高峰的信念。At the meeting, Group Chairman Ma Junjie delivered an important speech, and President Ma gave everyone a profound interpretation of his important speech at the 15th anniversary celebration party. Mr. Ma pointed out that Dafang’s development over the past 15 years has been tortuous. Dafang people worked hard in adversity and created miracles one after another and created today’s brilliance. Mr. Ma pointed out that although the current Dafang has entered the best era, all Dafang people must stick to their original aspirations, persevere, be prepared for danger in times of peace, act according to decisions, and be fully prepared to empower the group’s sustainable and stable development. 通过这次大会,大方集团全体员工将更加紧密地团结在集团董事会周围,在马总的带领下'“树正气、行善、做好人、传递正能量”的倡议。继续发扬“思想一致、目标一致、行动一致”的团队精神。